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1832-03-18 Letter from Garrett Applegate to James Applegate
To Mr.James Applegate
State of Penslvania
Alaghany County
Elizabeth town Post Office
State of Indiana
Harrison County
March 18, 1832
Dear Son
I again in this Breaf Manner inform you of our wellfare. [W]e are in reasonable health considering our age and infirmities. [H]oping this may find you all in good health. [A]s for myself and your Mother we have been very Lame and Decrepited threw this winter. [Y]our Mother is mending fast but I cannot Discover any alteration in me yet. [Y]our Brother Derick was down home in good health. [H]e hired to go Down For 25 Dollars But I cannot tell whether he brought any thing home or not. [Y]our friends here in genral are in good at present. Samuel Current was out last fall in Tipecanoe County in this State to see his sister and he sayes he likes the country exceedingly well. [H]e sayes there is Large Bodies of peraries which produces excellent corn and wheat and hay in Abundance.
[A]s for the Depositions you sent me they have been of No Service to Me for they never stated the officers that we served under except Genral Mcintosh. Robert Applegate never stated that Mackintosh was called to South Carolina and we were placed under the command of Col. Broadhead Both regular officers.
I now give you an account of the prices of grain current with us. [W]heat is 621/2 cents, corn 25 cts, oats 20 cents, pork 3 dollars per hundred.
Now I inform you of the Death of old James Bliss who Died in August Last after a short sickness. [A]llso Isaiahs Daughter Louisa was married on Last New Years Day to James Carter both of this County.
We have experienced the hardest winter that ever was known since this county was settled. [W]hen the ice broke up it Distroyed Large quantities of property and boats and shortly after wards the river rise five feet higher than ever was known carrying houses in great numbers with it. [N]ot one town with in its Distinctive Reach but that recieved Great Damage as far as we can heare. [B]oth above and below the Distruction has been immence. [H]undreds of familyes have been ruined by the flood. [S]tores and groceries and mills besides a Number of dwelling houses pased here and now lying Drifted on islands and Large bends of the river.
I must come to a close by sending our best respects to you all and still Remain your kind parent untill Death.
Garrett Applegate
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