Andrew Wall



1824-06-01 Letter from Garrett Applegate to James Applegate

Mr. James Applegate
the State of Pensylvania
Elizabeth town Post office

Harrison County
State of Indiania

June the 1st 1824

Dear Son

I take this method of informing you that we are reasonably well at present hoping threw the mercies of kind providence these few lines may find you and yours injoying the same Blesing. I now have to inform you that we are living at Samuel Currents for William Pangburn has sold his land and we had to move. I want you to tell Andrew Wall if there is any money collected there for us to forward it on as soon as posible as we are in grait need of it at present for sence Last March we had to move two or three times and it flustrated us so that we cannot do without that money if it can be got allso your father sayes he intends to stay where he is untill the leases is out on Dericks land and then he intends to go there. [H]e allso requests you to inform Derick that when the leases is out he wants Joseph Amy to stay on his place and assist him in farming the ground as he is not able to farm it himself. [H]e wants Derick to write to him as soon as posible as there is some people here that sayes that when the leases is out no person shal have it but it shal be rented out to strangers for what it would fetch and the way land rents here it would not fetch more than would pay them for renting it as it appear they must have pay for all they do and pay the [. . .]

I myself [. . .] have been very sick this two or three weeks with a very bad cough and I continue so long that I am very much alarmed about it for if I do not get remedy soon it will be the end to my dayes it and my moving so much has prevented me from raising anything to get me leather and salt and other necessary that we were obliged to have.

I add no more at present but remain yours.

Garrett Applegate

Linked toJoseph Amy; Derrick Applegate; Garrett Wall Applegate; James Wall Applegate; Samuel Current; William Pangburn; Andrew Wall

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