Richard Applegate

Male Abt 1723 - 1800  (~ 77 years)


1798-07-01 Will of Richard Applegate 5F4

1798-07-01 Will of Richard Applegate 5F4

Scott County Ky. Wills Will Book of 1796/1808, page 103

In the name of God amen I Richard of the county of Scott and state of Kentucky being sick in mind and body but of good and sound memory thanks be to almighty God and calling to mind the uncertain state of this transitory life and that all flesh must yield to death when it shall please God to call do make constitute ordain and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following Revoking and Annulling by these presents all and every testament ot testaments will and wills heretofore by me made and declared either word or writing and this only to be taken for my last will and testament and no other and first being penitent and sorry for my sins past and from the pain and bottom of my heart most humbly desire forgiveness for the same I give and commit my soul to Almighty God my savior and redeemer in whom and by the merits of Jesus Christ I trust and believe assuredly to be said and to have full remission and foregiveness for all my sins and that my soul with my boddy at a general day of resurrection shall raise again with joy and through the merits of Christ death and passion possess and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for elect and chosen and by my body to be buried in such a place where where it shall please my executors hereinafter named to appoint,

and now for the settling my temporal estate and such goods and chattels and effects as it hath pleased God for above my desire to bestow upon me, I do order give and despose of the same in manner and in form following, that is to say

first, I will that all these debts and dues as I owe in right of conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly paid or ordered to be paid within some convenient time after my decease by my executors heretofore named

Item I give and bequeath unto my well beloved wife Rebecca Applegate her riding saddle wearing apperal her riding saddle, wearing apperal and feather all the household furniture two cows six head of sheep and chestnut sorel mare all the hogs and the place now live on Note the riding saddle feather bed and furniture is for my wife to dispose of as she may think proper the remainder of my properity that is left to my wife Rebecca Applegate for a support as long as she lives and what is remaining at her death then to my daughter May Applegate forever

Item I give and bequeath unto Rebecca Sparks one yearling heifer forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Benjamin Applegate my wearing apparel and a horse to him and his heirs,

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Daniel Applegate one shilling forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my son Wm. Applegate one shilling forever, Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alleta Lantaman one shilling forever,

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Catherine Lemon one shilling forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth McCan one shilling forever, I give and bequeath unto my daughter Alsa Walls one shilling forever,

Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Applegate all the remainder of my estate forever,

and lastly do constitute and appoint Joseph Wilson my whole sole executor of this my last will and testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this first day of July 1798

Test. William Ward his
Wm. Fisher Richard Applegate
Scott County Set December Court 1800

This will was this day produced in open court by Joseph Wilson the executor therein named and proved to be the act and deed of the testator by the oath of Wm. Ward one of the witnesses and ordered to be recorded, the said executor refused to take upon himself the executorship of said estate

Test Jo Hawkins

Linked toWill of Richard Applegate 1798-07-01 (Scott Co., KY, Will Book A-103); Richard Applegate

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