1814-03-21 Will of Joseph Applegate 5GIB2
1814-03-21 Will of Joseph Applegate 5GIB2
Court of Appeals, Albany, New York, Liber 2, p. 321
Know ye that at the City of Albany on the 8th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord 1814 before Theodorus Van Wyck Graham, Esq., Judge of our Court of Probates, the last Will and Testament of Joseph Applegate, late of the State of New Jersey, deceased, was proved.
Witness, Theodorus Van Wyck Graham, Esquire, Judge of our said Court, the 8th day of Sept. in the year of our Lord 1814. John T. B. Graham, Clerk.
In the name of God, Amen. I, Joseph Applegate, being weak in body but of sound mind and understanding and considering the uncertainly of life do make this my Last Will and Testament.
First and principally I do give my soul unto the hands of God Almighty and my body to be buried in a decent manner after my decease and as to the worldly effects which I do own; I do dispose of the same in the following manner, to wit:
In the first place, I do give, devise and bequeath unto my father and mother the interest arising on the money I have standing and during their natural lives and after the decease of either of them the survivor shall be entitled to the said interest during his or her life time and after the decease of my said father and mother I do give and devise and dispose of my said property in the following manner, that is to say; the one-sixth part thereof I do give unto my brother Davison Applegate, one-sixth part thereof unto my brother Richard Applegate, one-sixth part thereof unto my brother William Applegate, one-sixth part thereof unto my sister, Elizabeth, and the other sixth part to Joseph Applegate, the son of Davison Applegate.
It is further my will that in case my sister Elizabeth, the wife of John Disbrey, should have no children or lawful issue, that she then is only to have and receive and I hereby give and bequeath unto her the sum of Fifty Dollars in lieu and stead of the one-sixth part of my property as before mentioned and that the same shall in such case be divided into five equal parts and proportions to be held by them, my said brothers and sisters and the said Joseph Applegate, share and share alike the said fifty dollars first to be paid to my sister Elizabeth.
I do further desire and request that all my just debts and funeral expenses shall be paid out of my property by my executors hereinafter named.
Lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my brother-in-law James Davison executor of this my last Will and testament.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty-first day of March, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Fourteen.
Joseph Applegate
I Joseph Appelgate, do further desire and will that my nephew, Joseph Applegate, the person mentioned in my annexed will, shall have my silver watch after my decease and that this devise shall be taken and considered as part of my last will which is hereunto annexed. March 21, 1814
Joseph Applegate
John V.S. Burhane
J. Lansing Jr.
Robert Dunbar, Jr