Daniel Applegate

Male Abt 1737 - 1812  (~ 75 years)


1810-10-02 Will of Daniel Applegate 5F5

1810-10-02 Will of Daniel Applegate 5F5

No 248 of 1812, Book 1, page 333, Allegheny County, Penn.

In the name of God Amen, I Daniel Applegate of Elizabeth Township, Allega. County and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being in Perfect health of body and of sound mind, memory and understanding Blessed be God for the same but considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life do make and Publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following to Wit:

Principally and first of all I Command my Immortal soul to the hands of God who gave it, my body to the earth to be Buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the Descretion of my Executor herein after named And as to the Worldly estate where with it pleased God to bless me within this Life I give and dispose of the same in the following manner to wit,

I give and devise unto my dear and loving Wife Elizabeth the Whole of the Profits arising from my Real and personal estate as long as she remains my widow and no longer.

I give and devise at the expiration of her widowhood or at her death the whole of my estate real and personal unto my sons Frederick Brown, George Applegate, Aaron Applegate and Isaac Applegate and the children of my son John Applegate equally, share and share alike, my son John's children share to be divided among them in the following manner (to wit) if there be two sons the one half of that share to be equally divided between them, but if there is but one son he is to have the one half of the said share and the other half to be divided equally between his daughters.

It is my will that my sons Frederick Brown, George Applegate, Aaron Applegate and Isaac Applegate and the children of my son John Applegate at my death or expiration of their mother's widow hood or death if she should survive me, pay unto my three daughters Elizabeth Wall, Rachel Ross and Hannah Davis fifty pounds to each of them or to their legal representatives and

lastly I nominate, constitute and Appoint my said wife and two sons Frederick Brown and Isaac Applegate to be executors of this will, hereby revoking all other wills legacies and bequests by me heretofore made and declaring this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have here unto set my hand and seal this second day of October, one thousand Eight hundred and ten.

Daniel Applegate

Signed sealed Published Pronounced and Declared by the said testator as his last will and testament in presence of us who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as witnesses

Moses Quick
John Penney Jr
Jonathan Quick

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