The Applegate Project
Abt 1715 - 1777 (~ 62 years)
1777-10-03 Will of Zebulon Applegate 5E8
1777-10-03 Will of Zebulon Applegate 5E8
New Jersey Archives 5331L
In the name of God Amen This third day of October Anno Dom one thousand seven hundred and seventy seven: I Zebulon Applegate of the fourth ward of Perth Amboy, County of Middlesex, and Province of New Jersey yeoman: being weakly in body: but of perfect mind, and memory; & calling to mind the mortality of the body: Do make ordain and appoint, this and no other, to be my Last Will and Testament and in the first place; I give and recommend my soul, unto Almighty God Expecting eternal life by the merits of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour
And touching such worldly Estate which God has given me in this life I give and dispose of it all in the following manner and form with all the exceptions herein mentioned, and
in the first place here, I order all my funeral charges, and other just debts, to be fully paid by my executors hereafter named, out of some part of my movable estate:
then I give and bequeath unto my daughter Lidia a bed and bedding and fifty pounds in case, also one half the price of my negro Cuffe.
Again, I give unto my daughter Catherine a bed and bedding fifty pounds in case and the other half the price of my said negro Cuffe: my said daughters legacies to be taken out of my personal Estate;
Again, I give and leave with my well beloved wife Ruth during her natural life in lieu of her right of Dower to all my lands all the remainder of my personal Estate also one third part of all the crops that shall be raised on both my plantations; And allow and order my son Charles to live where he now dwells; and my son Nathaniel to live on & improve my homestead plantation; I also allow my said wife Ruth to have my East room of my building; and her firewood continually cut short at her door, by my two sons Charles and Nathaniel
Again, at or after the death of my said wife Ruth I order that all my lands be sold and the price or money arising from such sale, together with all that shall remain of my wife’s portion to be divided into three equal parts which I give equally to my said three sons. Only in case either one or two of my said my said sons dies without issue, then the surviving equally to enjoy the portion of such deceased
Lastly I ordain and appoint my brother Thomas Applegate, and my friend Stephen Voorhiss to be the executors of this my last will and testament
Signed sealed published pronounced and declared by said Zebulon Applegate to be his last will and testament in the presence of us
Zebulon Applegate
John Davison
John Davison Junear
Proved Dec 6 1777