Abijah Applegate

Male 1799 - 1885  (85 years)


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1893-09-07 Will of Abijah 5E7A2F

1893-09-07 Will of Abijah 5E7A2F New Jersey Archives 3875K In the name of God, Amen, I Abijah Applegate, of the township of East Windsor, in the county of Mercer, and state of New Jersey, of sound mind memory and understanding, do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following that is to say First, I direct all my just debts and funeral expenses to be settled and paid by my executors out of my personal estate and monies in their hands, and that decent monuments be placed at the head and foot of my grave. Second, I give unto my beloved wife Sarah, the lot and plot of land whereon we now live, in Milford, Beginning at the middle of the turnpike, and on a straight line between me and Scott Thompson, and running along said line to Rocky Brook, thence down said Brook to the middle of the bridge, thence up the middle of the lane to the middle of the turnpike, thence along said turnpike to the beginning containing about two acres and a half be the same more or less, with the appurtenances and buildings and improvements thereon together with the household goods and furniture therein and there on contained, to be used and enjoyed by her during the term of her natural life, and from and immediately after her death, the said lot of land and premises to fall back to the farm of which it is a part, and be disposed of as herein directed in relation to said farm. I further give my said wife three thousand dollars in four percent government bonds she having also one quarter share in a Central Pacific six per cent bond of mine. The gifts herein given to my wife are in addition to her right of dower in my lands. I further give to my said wife her fire wood and necessary fence materials from my farm, to keep her lot in repairs her wish is that at her death all her property shall go into my estate. Third I give devise and bequeath unto my son Edward T. R. Applegate and his present wife Lavinia and the children of the said Edward T. R. Applegate and Lavinia his wife the use of all my real estate not above disposed of, to be kept in as good repair as it now is, and no timber to be cut except for the use of the farm; the said real estate to be kept for a home for both said parents and their said children for their maintenance, bringing up and education until their youngest child shall come to the age of twenty one years. I further give to my said son Edward T. R. Applegate and Lavinia his wife and their said children the use of fourteen thousand dollars to go with the farm till their youngest child shall come to twenty one years of age; and then I order all my real estate and all my personal estate not herein otherwise disposed of to be valued and divided, or sold and divided share and share alike between the said Edward T. R. Applegate and Lavinia his wife and the children of the said Edward T. R. Applegate and Lavinia his wife, in equal portions, share and share alike, to them, their heirs and assigns forever. Fourth Believing that my granddaughter Lilia Applegate got a considerable more from grandfather Reed's estate than my other grandchildren will each get from my estate, I give and bequeath to her only the sum of one hundred dollars of my estate, to be paid to her by my executors, when my estate is finally settled, if she be living. Fifth I constitute and appoint my grandsons Henry E Applegate and Abijah E Applegate, executors of this my last will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and set my seal this seventh day of September A.D., eighteen hundred & eighty three. Abijah Applegate Joseph J. Ely Charles H. Mount Samuel B. Croshaw

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