The Applegate Project
Abt 1730 - Abt 1798 (~ 68 years)
1798-10-20 Will of Jacob Applegate 5ElA
1798-10-20 Will of Jacob Applegate 5ElA
New Jersey Archives 9245L
In the name of God Amen I Jacob Applegate of the Township of South Amboy of Middlesex and State of New Jersey being through the abundant Majesty and Goodness of God though weak in Body yet of sound and perfect understanding in memory do constitute this my last Will and Testament and desire it may be received by all as such
First I most humbly bequeath my soul to God my Maker beseeching his most gracious acceptance of it through the all sufficient Merits and Meditations of my most compassionate Redeemer Jesus Christ who gave himself up to become Atonement for my sins and is able to save to the uttermost all that come unto God by Him. Etc and who I trust will not reject me a returning penitent sinner when I come to him, for Mercy humbly beseeching the most blessed and glorious Trinity one God most holy most merciful and gracious to prepare me for the time of my Dissolution and then to take me unto himself into that Peace and Rest which he has prepared for all that love and fear his holy name Amen Blessed by God
I give my body to the Earth from whence it came in full assurance of its Resurrection from thence at the Last Day as for my Burial I desire it to be done decent at the Discretion of my Executor Isaac Aplegate who I doubt not will manage it with care and prudence
as to my worldly estate I will and positively order that all my debts be paid
First I give to my two sons Joseph and Elisha Applegate for the term of their lives this House and Land whereupon I now dwell with all that there unto belongs viz crops cattle hogs and every other appurtenance that belongs to me and in my possession except ten acres of land that my son Isaac now lives on the which I give to him The terms of this my two sons life times viz Joseph and Elisha and after their deaths the land and all the effects on it sold and the monies thence arising to be Equally divided among my then living sons
I do now complete this my last will and testament
The named executor do Truly perform and have a care to these his two brothers to see they do not suffer
In witness hereunto I have set my hand and Seal this Twentieth day of October in the year of four Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight.
Jacob Applegat
Witnesses Present
Daniel Guildery
John Rhodes
John Embley