1824-09-17 Will of Joseph Applegate 5D4C
1824-09-17 Will of Joseph Applegate 5D4C
New Jersey Deeds 10968L, 10969L
In the name of God Amen, I Joseph Applegate of the Township of South Amboy in the County of Middlesex and State of New Jersey, being weak in body, but of sound mind, memory, and understanding, do make and Publish this my Last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, that is to say:
First it is my will, and I do order that all my just debts, and funeral Expenses, be duly Paid, and satisfied, as soon as Conveniently can be, after by decease
Second I give and bequeath unto my son Joseph Applegate all my lands and real Estate, adjoining and lying to the Westward of the Lines of Lands, which I sold to my Son Daniel Applegate on the 21st day of Feby 1822. On Complying with the following, that is to say the said Joseph Applegate is to Pay to my Executors herein after named the sum of Two hundred dollars at the Expiration of one year after my decease, also Two hundred dollars in two years after my decease Also, Two hundred dollars more in three Years after my decease, without Interest, Excepting on the failure of the several Payments before mentioned then to draw Interest until Paid, which said real Estate shall stand and be accountable until the Same is Paid
Third, it is my will and I do order that my meadow Lot adjoining Land of Robt Perrine Containing About Eighteen Acres be exposed to Publick sale at about two Years after my decease the money arising from said sales to be appropriated hereinafter described
Fourth it is my will and I do order that my Personal Estate be all Sold at Publick sale as soon as Convenient after my decease Excepting my black girl Eff and one heifer which I bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth with Two hundred dollars, which said Elizabeth is to have the use thereof her life time, then to be divided Equally among her then surviving children
5th I give and bequeath unto my daughter Rebecca Two hundred and fifty dollars
6th I give and bequeath unto my son John one hundred and fifty dollars, to be Paid to him and appropriated to his use as my Executors may best think Proper
7th I give and bequeath unto my Son Henry one hundred and fifty dollars
8th I give and bequeath unto my son Lewis Two hundred and fifty dollars
9th I give and bequeath unto my Son Daniel one Dollar
10th I give and bequeath unto my Grandchildren, heirs of my Son William as follows,
11th To my granddaughter Sarah Lewis one hundred and fifty dollars
12th also I bequeath unto my Grand son Josias Applegate Two hundred and fifty dollars to be paid to his proper Guardian for his benefit
13th After Paying the aforesaid Legacies and all just charges against my Estate I give and bequeath the Residue if any there is, unto my Sons Joseph, John, Henry, and Lewis and my Daughters Elizabeth and Rebecca, Share and Share alike
14th and Lastly, I hereby appoint my Trusty friend John Paxton and Aaron Tindall, Executors of this my last will and Testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventeenth day of September In the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four.
Signed, Sealed, Published and)
declared; by the said Joseph )
Applegate to be his testament) Joseph Appelgate
and last Will, in the Presence)
of Us
John Perrine Jun
Jerimiah Brown
Stacy Lawyer
John Perrine Junr and Stacy Lawyer two of the witnesses to the within will being duly sworn did severally depose and say that they saw Joseph Applegate the testator therein named sign and seal the same and heard him publish pronounce and declare the within writing to be his last Will and Testament and that at the doing thereof the said testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as these deponents known and as they verily believe and that the Jerimiah Brown the other Subscribing witness was present at the same time and signed his name as a witness to the said Will together with these deponents in the presence of the said testator
Sworn at New Brunswick )
the 16th day of October 1824) John Perrine Junr
before me John Heard ) Stacy Lawyer
Surrogate )
John Paxton and Aaron Tindall Executors of the within testament named being duly sworn did severally depose and say that the within instrument contains the true last will and testament of Joseph Applegate the testator therein named so far as they know and as they verily believe and that they will well and truly perform the same by paying first the debts of the said deceased and the legacies in the Said Testament precisely so far as the goods chattels and exhibit into the Surrogates Office at New Brunswick a true and perfect inventory of all and severally the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased that have or shall come to their knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for their use and render a just and a true account when thereunto lawfully required
Sworn at New Brunswick )John Paxton
the 16th day of October 1824)Aaron Tindall
before me John Heard
Asa Thomas one of the appraisers of the within Inventory being duly sworn did depose and Say that the goods chattels & Credits in the within inventory Set down and Specified was by him appraised according to their just and true respective rates and values after the best of his judgment and understanding and that Stacy Lawyer the other appraiser whose name is thereunto Subscribed was present at the same time and consented in all things to the doing thereof and that they appraised all things that were brought to their view for appraisement
Asa Thomas
Sworn to at New Brunswick )
the 16th day of October 1824 )
before me John Heard )
Surrogate )
John Paxton and Aaron Tindall Executors of the last Will and Testament of Joseph Applegate deceased being duly sworn did severally depose and say that the within writing contains a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the good chattels and Credits of the Said Joseph Applegate decd as far as have come to their knowledge or possession or to the possession of any other person or persons for their use
Sworn to at New Brunswick
The 16th day of October 1824 John Paxton
before me John Heard Aaron Tindall
A true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods and Chattels rights and Credits of Joseph Applegate Late of the Township of South Amboy in the County of Middlesex, deceased, made by us whose names are hereunto Subscribed the fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and Twenty four 1824
His Wearing Apparel $5.00 1 laddel & buder 1.00
Chest of drawers 4.50 1 plough 10.00
Looking glass 2.50 meal chest .50
Steelyard .50 dresser .50
1 dinning table 1.00 corner cub bard 3.50
1 breakst do 2.50 1 soap tub 1.50
1 pair andirons .50 1 eight day clock 5.00
a lot of irons .50 bonds 2727.43
3 Bedstead & cords 3.00 notes of Danl Applegate 633.25
1 large wheel 1.00
note of Rebecca Reed 97.53
1 goose feather bed 4.00 on book act 137.05
2 feather beds 6.00 J. McChesney 6.25
straw bed etc 1.50 2 books 1.00
a lot of bedding 5.00 2 stacks of hay 10.00
cross cut saw .50 buckets, chains .50
1/2 dz chairs 6.00 lot of bed clothes1.50
1 iron pot tea kettle 1.00 lot of chains .25
dishes .75 3 hives of bees 3.00
1 wagon 8.00 3 tables 1.00
cutting box & churn .37 1/2
Appraised by us the
day and year above written
Asa Thomas
Stacy Lawyer