1812-06-07 Will of George Applegate 5D1A
1812-06-07 Will of George Applegate 5D1A
Will of George 5DlA
New Jersey Archives 12557C
I George Apelgate of Bordentown in the County of Burlington in the State of New Jersey, Being infirm in Body yet through Devine favor of sound disposing mind and memory, and calling to mind the uncertainty of my continuance in this world; having therefore thought it needful to make provision for the settlement and disposal of my Worldly estate, which I therefore do in manner and form following that is to say
First I desire that my remains may be interred in a plain and decent manner and that my just debts and funeral expenses be duly paid and satisfied
Second Item I give to my Loving Wife Deborah, the use and occupancy rents and profits of my Tavern-house, out houses and lot of land thereto belonging situate in Bordentown afsd and where I now live, and to hold the same so long as she my said wife remains my widow, Also I give to my said Wife the use and occupancy of such and so much of my House hold goods as she my said wife may think necessary to furnish one room all which I give in lieu of Dowry and right of thirds
Third Item I give to my son William Aplegate two hundred and sixty seven dollars
4th Item I give to my daughter Letetia Starkey the house and lot of land where she now lives as the same is now fenced off and situate in Bordentown afsd to hold to her heirs and assigns forever, Also I give to my said daughter Letetia the sum of one hundred dollars
5th Item I give to my son Nicholas Aplegate and to his Heirs and assigns forever, that small lot of land next adjoining to his sister Starkey's lot, and bounded as follows, Beginning at a stone planted for the north westerly corner of said Starkey's lot thence with said lot ninety seven links to the Road thence along the side of the road westerly one chain and eight links to a stake for a corner, thence square of from said road northerly thirty three links to a small apletree for a corner, thence in a strait line to the stone afsd and place of beginning, also I give to my son Nicholas the sum of two hundred and sixty seven dollars
6th Item I give to my son George Aplegate the sum of two hundred and sixty seven dollars
7th Item I give to my grandson Daniel, the son of my son Samuel Apelgate decd the sum of two hundred and sixty seven dollars
8th Item I give to my Daughter Elizabeth the sum of Two hundred and sixty seven dollars and a bed and bedding
9th Item I give to my daughter Mary Graham the sum of Two hundred and sixty seven dollars to be paid to her only or to her order
10th Item I give to my daughter Sarah a bed and bedding and two hundred and sixty seven dollars
11th Item I give to my granddaughter Jane Graham the sum of ten pounds, to be paid to her at the age of twenty one years or day of her marriage
12th Item I do will and direct that my executors hereinafter mentioned or the survivor of them shall sell that lot of land, situate in Chesterfield, which I purchased of Daniel Bray, dividing it into lots or otherwise, for the best price they can obtain, according to their good discretion, and to make good and sufficient deed or deeds to the purchaser or purchasers thereof and the monies arising from the sale thereof, to be considered as part of my personal estate to enable my executers or the survivor of them to pay the several legacies hereinbefore mentioned
13th Item I give and devise all the residue of my real and personal estate to my two sons William and Nicholas and to my three Daughters Elizabeth, Mary Graham and Sarah and to their Heirs and assigns as Tenants in common for ever, share and share alike provided always that the said residue of my real estate shall be subject to the payments of the legacies herefore mentioned In case the monies arising from the sale of lands aforesaid together with my personal estate are not sufficient to discharge the debts and legacies aforesaid
14th Item It is my will that if my grandson Daniel should die before he is of age, then in that case, it is my will his legacy shall fall into and be a part of the residue of my estate so likewise of my granddaughter Seyacy
15th Item It is further my will that in order to preserve the legacies herein before given to my Daughter Mary from the reception management or control of her husband Robert Graham I do devise all and singular the said Legacies real and personal estate herein before given to my said daughter Mary, unto my Daughter Elizabeth afsd and to her heirs during the respective lives of my Daughter Mary and her husband Robert Graham In trust to preserve the said legacies for the proper use and benefits Of My said daughter Mary; and so, as that said legacies shall not, nor shall any part thereof be subject or liable to the Debts, engagements or contracts of her said Husband nor in his power to sell, anticipate, assign or any ways to dispose of or encumber the same
And lastly I nominate and appoint my loving wife Deborah and my Daughter Elizabeth Apelgate Executors of this my last will and Testament, giving them and the survivor of them full power to do all and every thing and things needful for the executors of the same, according to the true intent thereof
In witness of all which, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh day of June in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Twelve
Signed sealed published and
declared by the said George
Apelgate to be his testament
and last will in the presence
of us
George Apelgate
Anthony T. Taylor
John Bunting
Jn Oliver