Abijah Applegate

Male 1799 - 1885  (85 years)


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1883-09-07 Will of Abijah Applegate 5E7A2F

Will of Lewis Applegate 5F2G4
Brooke County West Virginia Will Book 4, pp. 294-95

I, Lewis Applegate, of the County of Brooke, in the State of West Virginia, make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all and every other will heretofore made by me.

Item 1st. I will and direct my executrix to pay all my just debts and funeral expenses out of the first money which may come to her hand.

Item 2d. I give and bequeath to my wife Margret Four Thousand Dollars and also give and dies to her for and during her life the use of one third of all my real estate, except my interest in what is known as the Stewart Mill property formerly called the Robert Cummins Mill tract situated in Washington County Pennsylvania; and in addition hereto I give and bequeath to her all my household goods, wares and merchandise. This provision for her is to be in lieu of her dower in my estate.

Item 3d. Subject to the foregoing provisions of my said last will and testament, I give, bequeath and devise the residue of my estate, real and personal, to my three children, Lewis Curran Applegate, Maria Applegate and Margretta R Applegate, share and share alike; except that I charge the interest or share of my said daughter Margretta R Applegate in my estate with the sum of Three Thousand-Five Hundred Dollars, and also a sum equal to any sum she may claim I as her guardian or otherwise may owe her.

Item 4th. I appoint my wife Magret Applegate trustee of the interest which my said daughter Margretta R Applegate is entitled to, in my estate under this my said last Will, for and during the life of my said daughter Margretta R. She, my said trustee, shall have entire control and management of the said interest of the said Margretta R. in my estate, during the life of the said Margretta R; and said trustee shall annually, during that time, apply the proceeds and income arising from said interest of said Margretta R. in my said estate to the support and maintenance of said Margretta R, and I hereby give my said trustee the right and power to sell and grant by deed the interest my said daughter Margretta R takes in my real estate under this my last will, whenever in the judgement of my said trustee, she deems it proper to do so and she shall invest the proceeds arising from such sale in such manner as she may deem safe and profitable and apply the income therefrom to the support and maintenance of said Margretta as aforesaid.

Item 5. I appoint my wife Margret Executrix of this my last will and exonerate her from giving surety as such Executrix and also as such trustee.

Witness my hand and seal this the Twenty Sixth day of February 1883.

s/ Lewis Applegate {seal}

Signed, sealed and published by Lewis Applegate as and for his last Will in our presence, and we in his presence, at his request, and in the presence of eat other, all present together at the same time have signed our names as witnesses hereto the Twenty sixth day of February 1883

s/ W J Applegate {seal}
s/ J W Cooper {seal}

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