The Applegate Project
1746 - 1824 (~ 78 years)
1820-05-03 Will of Samuel 1D1A
Will of Samuel Applegate 1D1A
Will Book A
Clark County, Indiana
May 3rd 1820
I, samuel Applegate of Charleston Twp. Clark Co., being in a state of decline through age and infirmities, but of sound mind and memory, thanks be to God, and calling to mind the mortality of the body and that it is ordained for all men to die, I publish my last will and testament in form following—to wit That is to say, when it may please the Almighty God to call me hence, and separate my soul from body, I recommend my soul unto the hands of God who gave it and my body to be buried in decent Christion manner at the discretion of my executors, and touching on my wordly estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I hereby dispose of it in the following manner that is to say, as soon after my demise as possible.
I ordain and will my eldest son Hezekiah & my youngest son Thomas whom I also hereby appoint my executor, to sell, convey by lawful deed the ? of my real estate of 100 acres be the same more or less lying in the county and twp. Aforesaid either by public or private sale and the monet arising from the same be devised as follows
½ there of to be paid to my son Thomas as a legacy for extra service to be done to me from this day forth. The ½ of the other half to be divided equally between my said son Hezekiah and my second son Samuel Applegate, and the other ½ of the last ½ being ¼ of the whole I give and bequeath in equal parts to my eight daughters to be paid unto them or their heirs and as for Alice Hamon’s (?) share, I will and ordain my said executives to keep on their hands or loan the same at interest until her two children come to legal age and if one should die a minor, then the other shall receive the whole share
and as to my house hold stuff and furniture I give and bequeath t obe divided equally among my seven daughters now living
and last of all the corn, wheat & rye that may be in my possession for my own use, I bequeath to be equally divided between Sarra, Rachel, and Rebecca & Elizabeth, together with hogs and sheep,
whereby revoking all former wills by me made in witness there of I hereunto set my hand & seal this date first above written
Samuel X Applegate
Clark Co.
17 Day of July 1824
Samuel Applegate, dec.—will proved.