The Applegate Project
Tree: Applegate Main
City/Town : Latitude: 42.8235793, Longitude: -74.47600879999999
An error has occurred in the TNG software. This could be due to a setup issue, an incomplete upgrade or a program bug. If you are the site owner, you may contact TNG support for help with this problem. Please copy the query below and paste it into your message.
Query: SELECT medialinkID, description, notes, altdescription, altnotes, usecollfolder, mediatypeID, personID, tng_medialinks.mediaID as mediaID, thumbpath, status, plot, eventID, alwayson, path, form, abspath, newwindow
FROM (tng_medialinks, tng_media)
WHERE tng_medialinks.personID="Root, Montgomery County, New York, USA"
AND tng_media.mediaID = tng_medialinks.mediaID and dontshow != 1 ORDER BY eventID, mediatypeID, ordernum
Disk full (/tmp/#sql330a_9b30c7_0); waiting for someone to free some space... |