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1838-01-31 Letter from John Asher Applegate to James Applegate
Mr James Applegate
Alleghany Cty
by the care of Mr Paul Reid
Jan 31st 1838
Dear Uncle
I embrace this opportunity of writing a few lines to you. I have not been with my Father for three years as I am following the River at this time. [M]y wages on the River are from $150.00 two $200.00 a month. I heard from my fathers family about three weeks ago and they are all well. [S]ister Hannah maried a young man Mr. Lewis Vaughn about the 18th of January. Grand father died here last fall. I expect to come up in the Spring and sell the land of Grand Fathers which was left to me. Give my Respects to all my relations friends and acquaintences.
Your affectionate Nephew
Jno A Applegate
P S Write to me immediately and direct your letter to Louisville Kentucky
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Query: SELECT tng_medialinks.medialinkID, tng_medialinks.personID as personID, people.burialtype, people.living as living, people.private as private, people.branch as branch, tng_medialinks.eventID,
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familyID, people.personID as personID2, wifepeople.personID as wpersonID, wifepeople.firstname as wfirstname, wifepeople.lnprefix as wlnprefix, wifepeople.lastname as wlastname,
wifepeople.prefix as wprefix, wifepeople.suffix as wsuffix, husbpeople.personID as hpersonID, husbpeople.firstname as hfirstname, husbpeople.lnprefix as hlnprefix, husbpeople.lastname as hlastname,
husbpeople.prefix as hprefix, husbpeople.suffix as hsuffix, tng_sources.title, tng_sources.sourceID, tng_repositories.repoID, reponame
FROM tng_medialinks
LEFT JOIN tng_people AS people ON tng_medialinks.personID = people.personID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = people.gedcom
LEFT JOIN tng_families ON tng_medialinks.personID = tng_families.familyID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_families.gedcom
LEFT JOIN tng_people AS husbpeople ON tng_families.husband = husbpeople.personID AND tng_families.gedcom = husbpeople.gedcom
LEFT JOIN tng_people AS wifepeople ON tng_families.wife = wifepeople.personID AND tng_families.gedcom = wifepeople.gedcom
LEFT JOIN tng_sources ON tng_medialinks.personID = tng_sources.sourceID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_sources.gedcom
LEFT JOIN tng_repositories ON (tng_medialinks.personID = tng_repositories.repoID AND tng_medialinks.gedcom = tng_repositories.gedcom)
WHERE mediaID = "472" ORDER BY people.lastname, people.lnprefix, people.firstname, hlastname, hlnprefix, hfirstname LIMIT 51
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