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701 |
Alternate spelling "Terilla" | Reed, Twilla (I30291)
702 |
and infant | ?, Judith D (I32898)
703 |
apparently had a slip and fall injury - slipped on an apple in the backyard | Hopkins, Emma J (I35331)
704 |
apparently with her son John | Robbins, Emaline (I14105)
705 |
apparently with his mother Emeline | Applegate, John Lewis (I14139)
706 |
appears in the 1840 US Census as female <5 | Applegate, ? (I42537)
707 |
Appears to be a freed slave living with the family | Applegate, Henry (I15953)
708 |
APPLEGATE, JOHN WALL, Attorney-at-Law, was born in Princeton, New Jersey, February 23, 1818. His father, engaged through life in agricultural pursuits, was an active participant in the war of 1812. He received a liberal general education at Genesee Falls, New York. He subsequently followed the trade of carriage making in his native state until he had attained his twenty-third year. He then pursued for about threwe years a course of literary study in Genesee Falls College, and upon graduation from that institution was appointed as one of its tutors, and was engaged in teaching during several succeeding years. In 1841 he removed to Ohio, and after applying himself for a time to the study of law under the instructions of Judge Timothy Walker, of Cincinnati-always his warm and intimate friend-began the practice of his profession in this city in 1844. from that time until 1874, the date of his demise, he was constantly and successfully engaged in professional labors. He always manifested a persistant aversion to office holding, his practice being too extensive, moreover to asllow him leisure for political operations. Through life he was noted for his zealous interest in the cause of educational reform, and for many years was prominentky identified with the actions of the local School Board. A love of family associations and domestic life characterized him socially; and at an early agehe became an earnest and devout member of the Methodist Church. For many years he was an esteemed member of the Wesley Chapel, of Cincinnati. Politically he was an uncompromising “Jackson Democrat,” but during the war of rebellion distinguished himself as an active opponent of that branch of the Democratic party, known as “the Peace Party.” He was a man of quick and generous sensibilities, fond of intellectual conversation, and possessed of a well balanced mind, stored with varied and valuable learning. He was married to Mary Williams, of Cincinnati. Six children were born of this marriage, and at the time of his decease the four youngest were living. | Applegate, John Wall (I3402)
709 |
APPLEGATE--In this city, on the 1st inst., Harry E, infant son of Clifford and Lucy Applegate. The relatives and friends of the family are invited to attend the funeral from the parents' residence, No 131 South Logan Avenue, on Tuesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.
Trenton Evening Times 1 July 1918 | Applegate, Harry E (I42577)
710 |
APPLEGATE--In this city, on the 29th inst., Ferman, son of Peter E and Lydia Applegate, in the 18th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his parents residence, No 1111 Anderson Street on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.
Trenton Times 30 Dec 1904 | Applegate, Forman (I27772)
711 |
APPLEGATE--In this city, on the 7th inst., Harvey B, son of James H and Rebecca Applegate, in the 23d year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Uncas Tribe No 102 IORM, and members of FOE and TMA, are invited to attend the funeral from his mother's residence, No 325 Elmer Street, on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.
Trenton Evening Times 7 April 1910 | Applegate, Harvey B (I35953)
712 |
APPLEGATE--In this city, on the 8th inst., Nathaniel L Applegate, in the 61st year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family, also Carmen's Local No 540, are respectfully invited to attend the funeral from his late residence, 8 Cliff Street, on Wednesday morning at 10:30 o'clock. Interment at Greenwood Cemetery.
Trenton Evening Times 9 September 1912
Nathaniel Lewis Applegate, a life long resident of Trenton and vincinity, and for many years an employee of the local traction company died suddenly at his home on the sixty-first anniversary of his birth. He had been in his usual health during the day and death was unexpected. About 9 o'clock he was seized with heart trouble and died before Dr. Paul L. Cort, who was immediately summoned, could arrive. He was born near Clarksville and about 20 years ago he came to Trenton where he had since lived. He entered the employ of the traction company about 14 yeas ago and had operated trolley cars on the East Trenton and Centre Street line during the last few months preceding his retirement. He was highly respected by all his fellow employees and was a member of the Carmen's Local, N. 540. Three weeks ago, Mr. Applegate's brother-in-law, Vincent Conover, died suddenly of apoplexy. Besides his widow, he left two sister, Mrs. Vincent Conover of Trenton and Mrs. Winifred Voorhees of Highstown and one brother, George Applegate of South Amboy. Trenton Evening News, September 10, 1912 | Applegate, Nathaniel Lewis (I26799)
713 |
Applegit spelling is from his stone | Applegate, James Madison (I7158)
714 |
Apprentice Brick Mason | Applegate, Edward Lewis (I37836)
715 |
approximate birth date based on his baptism in 1808 | Appleget, David Baird (I4540)
716 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F2143
717 |
Architect | Applegate, George Symmes Henry (I27875)
718 |
Artificial Flower Maker | Applegate, Achsah (I38139)
719 |
Artist | Applegate, James Robinson (I9163)
720 |
Asher Taylor genealogy gives a birthdate for her of 11 Dec 1705, which is probably incorrect. | Throckmorton, Sarah (I33207)
721 |
Assigned here sort of by analysis. Much of his published early life is false. | Applegate, Joseph W (I23274)
722 |
Assistant Butcher | Simpson, Elizabeth (I35890)
723 |
Assistant Butcher | Applegate, William Albert (I35891)
724 |
Assistant Butcher | Applegate, Clifford L (I35892)
725 |
Assistant Manager - Retail Merchant's Association | Senike, Freda Idell (I37733)
726 |
Assistant Miller | Applegate, John H (I4652)
727 |
Assistant P.M. | Applegate, Jerome C (I11446)
728 |
Assistant Secretary | Applegate, Harvey Wallace (I37149)
729 |
Associate Professor of Botany Norrthwestern University | Woodburn, William Logan (I1238)
730 |
Asylum Superintendent | Applegate, Jacob A (I3771)
731 |
at 2114 Woodward address, same as her husband | Milmine, Ruth (I37150)
732 |
at 453 Niagara Street with her sister Sarah Sherwood | ?, Margaret (I1052)
733 |
at Buckner's Orphans Home | Applegate, Reba Rea (I43295)
734 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Applegate, Elam (I43507)
735 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Applegate, Reda G (I43508)
736 |
at home | Applegate, William E (I41732)
737 |
at Music School | Applegate, Evelyn Rachel (I25847)
738 |
at the battle of Quebec | Applegate, Siah (I15727)
739 |
at the Columbus State Hospital | Applegate, Thomas Joseph (I21804)
740 |
at the home of her brother Noah | Pangburn, Elizabeth (I31288)
741 |
At the home of her daughter Alice | Mount, Rebecca Ely (I15955)
742 |
at the home of her daughter Sara Adeline and son in law Frederick Stultz | Perrine, Etna (I8590)
743 |
at the home of her son Samuel | FitzRandolph, Hannah (I24592)
744 |
at the home of his sister Emma J | Applegate, Elwood (I15251)
745 |
at the home of the bride's father | Family F6487
746 |
at the home of the bride's parents | Family F188933
747 |
At the home of the brides' father | Family F1592
748 |
at the home of the groom's father William | Family F188932
749 |
at the old Joseph Wall homestead | Allen, James (I31569)
750 |
at the old Sugar House | Worden, Phebe (I39294)