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 #   Notes   Linked to 
4251 probably daughter in law according to cem records Applegate, Sarah (I28010)
4252 Probably spurious. Nancy reports she only has 3 children in the 1900 census Applegate, Vaiton (I11960)
4253 Probably spurious. Nancy reports she only has three children in the 1900 census Applegate, ? (I11959)
4254 Produce Commision Applegate, Robert Oliver (I15858)
4255 Professor Applegate, Samuel Pearl (I1360)
4256 Prudential Applegate, Paul (I43773)
4257 Publication of intent (banns) Family F1140
4258 Publisher Applegate, Charles H (I38613)
4259 Publisher Applegate, Charles H (I38616)
4260 Pvt 1229 Recp Cent. WW II Applegit, John Lewis (I40173)
4261 PVT US Army World War II Applegate, C Robert (I33332)
4262 Quarry Man Applegate, Henry Harrison "Hal" (I24131)
4263 Quartz miner Applegate, David L (I17656)
4264 Radio Engineer - Civil Aviation Authority Applegate, Homer Ellis (I8428)
4265 Raft Pilot Applegate, Hiram (I23152)
4266 Rail Inspector Applegate, Ralph Morris (I38071)
4267 Rail Road Hand Applegate, Milton Alexander (I24990)
4268 Railroad Clerk Applegate, Harry C (I17509)
4269 Railroad Clerk Applegate, Albert (I41357)
4270 Railroad Conductor Applegate, William H (I35496)
4271 Railroad Employee Applegate, Lewis Mark (I10433)
4272 Railroad Employee Applegate, Thomas Stanley (I21312)
4273 Railroad Engine Fireman Applegate, William Chaucer (I23086)
4274 Railroad Engineer Applegate, William Chaucer (I23086)
4275 Railroad Engineer Applegate, James E (I35938)
4276 Railroad Fireman Ramllow, Herman A (I41288)
4277 Railroad Foreman Applegate, Andrew Jackson (I17675)
4278 Railroad Labor Applegate, Thomas Jefferson (I20542)
4279 Railroad Laborer Applegate, Charles Edward (I2974)
4280 Railroad Laborer Applegate, Samuel (I15316)
4281 Railroad Laborer Applegate, Henry Middleton (I35696)
4282 Railroad Mail Clerk Applegate, Albermarle W (I1540)
4283 Railroad Switchman Applegate, Frank Milton (I7861)
4284 Railroad Trainman Applegate, Noah (I14973)
4285 Railroader Applegate, Cyrus Felix (I38031)
4286 Raised by his uncle Thomas after the death of his mother. Jewell, Thomas (I30798)
4287 Re-typed, organized, and expanded by Jean Applegate Jensen in 1977 Source (S10)
4288 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F12568
4289 Read law under John S Applegate. Leonard, William J (I30957)
4290 Real Estate
1271 Broadway 
Applegate, William Henry (I8755)
4291 Real Estate
38 So. 9th Street 
Applegate, Joseph (I37687)
4292 Real Estate and Insurance Applegate, J Simeon (I38525)
4293 Real Estate Speculator Appleget, Slack Updike (I5352)
4294 Rear 610 Thompson St Applegate, William (I14481)
4295 Reg. 52480-50
Application for bounty land 
Source (S913)
4296 Rejected Source (S1027)
4297 residing in the household of his brother Perry Applegate, William C (I26421)
4298 Residing in the household of Mary A Oliver in 1870 Applegate, Amanda (I41358)
4299 Restaurant Applegate, Davis (I17765)
4300 Ret. Grocer Applegate, William Benton (I1339)

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