# |
Notes |
Linked to |
4251 |
probably daughter in law according to cem records | Applegate, Sarah (I28010)
4252 |
Probably spurious. Nancy reports she only has 3 children in the 1900 census | Applegate, Vaiton (I11960)
4253 |
Probably spurious. Nancy reports she only has three children in the 1900 census | Applegate, ? (I11959)
4254 |
Produce Commision | Applegate, Robert Oliver (I15858)
4255 |
Professor | Applegate, Samuel Pearl (I1360)
4256 |
Prudential | Applegate, Paul (I43773)
4257 |
Publication of intent (banns) | Family F1140
4258 |
Publisher | Applegate, Charles H (I38613)
4259 |
Publisher | Applegate, Charles H (I38616)
4260 |
Pvt 1229 Recp Cent. WW II | Applegit, John Lewis (I40173)
4261 |
PVT US Army World War II | Applegate, C Robert (I33332)
4262 |
Quarry Man | Applegate, Henry Harrison "Hal" (I24131)
4263 |
Quartz miner | Applegate, David L (I17656)
4264 |
Radio Engineer - Civil Aviation Authority | Applegate, Homer Ellis (I8428)
4265 |
Raft Pilot | Applegate, Hiram (I23152)
4266 |
Rail Inspector | Applegate, Ralph Morris (I38071)
4267 |
Rail Road Hand | Applegate, Milton Alexander (I24990)
4268 |
Railroad Clerk | Applegate, Harry C (I17509)
4269 |
Railroad Clerk | Applegate, Albert (I41357)
4270 |
Railroad Conductor | Applegate, William H (I35496)
4271 |
Railroad Employee | Applegate, Lewis Mark (I10433)
4272 |
Railroad Employee | Applegate, Thomas Stanley (I21312)
4273 |
Railroad Engine Fireman | Applegate, William Chaucer (I23086)
4274 |
Railroad Engineer | Applegate, William Chaucer (I23086)
4275 |
Railroad Engineer | Applegate, James E (I35938)
4276 |
Railroad Fireman | Ramllow, Herman A (I41288)
4277 |
Railroad Foreman | Applegate, Andrew Jackson (I17675)
4278 |
Railroad Labor | Applegate, Thomas Jefferson (I20542)
4279 |
Railroad Laborer | Applegate, Charles Edward (I2974)
4280 |
Railroad Laborer | Applegate, Samuel (I15316)
4281 |
Railroad Laborer | Applegate, Henry Middleton (I35696)
4282 |
Railroad Mail Clerk | Applegate, Albermarle W (I1540)
4283 |
Railroad Switchman | Applegate, Frank Milton (I7861)
4284 |
Railroad Trainman | Applegate, Noah (I14973)
4285 |
Railroader | Applegate, Cyrus Felix (I38031)
4286 |
Raised by his uncle Thomas after the death of his mother. | Jewell, Thomas (I30798)
4287 |
Re-typed, organized, and expanded by Jean Applegate Jensen in 1977 | Source (S10)
4288 |
At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. | Family F12568
4289 |
Read law under John S Applegate. | Leonard, William J (I30957)
4290 |
Real Estate
1271 Broadway | Applegate, William Henry (I8755)
4291 |
Real Estate
38 So. 9th Street | Applegate, Joseph (I37687)
4292 |
Real Estate and Insurance | Applegate, J Simeon (I38525)
4293 |
Real Estate Speculator | Appleget, Slack Updike (I5352)
4294 |
Rear 610 Thompson St | Applegate, William (I14481)
4295 |
Reg. 52480-50
Application for bounty land | Source (S913)
4296 |
Rejected | Source (S1027)
4297 |
residing in the household of his brother Perry | Applegate, William C (I26421)
4298 |
Residing in the household of Mary A Oliver in 1870 | Applegate, Amanda (I41358)
4299 |
Restaurant | Applegate, Davis (I17765)
4300 |
Ret. Grocer | Applegate, William Benton (I1339)